High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.



1- I suggest to try those AC female connectors last as they are hardest to remove in case you want to back step or change mind. I was skeptical when I first try these 3 enhancements so, for that, I first applied on connectors with open flat surface first like speaker spades, AC males, RCA, XLR males… they are easier to wipe off than the females…once you are sure and satisfied with the new sound improvement, you can go on and apply to those females connectors and the rest of the system.

2- Can’t confirm how easy that’d be since I have not tried on USB or Ethernet cables. Keep in mind Q45-T isn’t as thin as 1260 but actually thicker with some grits like sand in it, as mentioned. (Also, the brush from 5mL bottle Q45-T is bigger than the brush from 1,5mL bottle nps-1260)


Thanks @nasaman , that’s a very sound advice. I will take it slowly. Start with power cords male plugs, XLR interconnects pins, and speaker cables bananas first.

Thyname their web site and video is all there.After reading and watching their  video I got a very good understanding. I ordered after that.

"I applied them all equally as thin as their brushes allowed me to.

Your quote, "it should look like nothing is left" I’m sorry, I find that is impossible for me to perform since my MS-E came in as dark as black paint/ marker."


Yes, the product is like black paint however the instructions with the product guide the user to use the bottle brush to transfer to the peach fuzz brushes, and after application gently blot off the excess with a clean tissue. Proper application to the naked eye should appear almost invisible.

I'm not suggesting the Mad Scientist is superior because I haven't tried the HF yet. In the near future I'm thinking I will experiment with it.

All I'm saying is based on the application process you described it sounds exactly like what Mad Scientist warns against.

i have treated everything in my system with 1260 months ago.  After a recent inspection, there is very little residual still on the connectors.  Does that mean you have to re-apply?   Or, is 1260 still in effect working?