High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


@sjsfiveo Perhaps check with Mastercard to see how much time you have to make a claim.  That way you know how long you can wait.  I was told many orders were filled at the same time as mine- for what that’s worth.  I got a tracking number from Canada Post a day after my promised shipping date.  Best of luck- I recommend you stay on top of this.

But I think that was the old formula.

All solids were 5% each, balance was the suspension  binder..for the 1260.

He never published the formula and ratios of the Q series. Tom


So… there is no Safety Data Sheet for Q45T?  That was my point- the end user doesn’t know what is in the Q45T.