High order crossovers

Do or can high order crossovers rob a speaker system of more dynamics?
So my crossover boards all have these big unsightly clusters of resistors.
thus reducing the inductance vs a single resistor of the same type
I haven't dove in here, I've felt that Duke has been doing a terrific job in his explanations, but this might contribute a bit, it takes a bit off subject, but in the big picture is appropriate. 
The single thing that I have found that does drain dynamics to some degree is inductance.  I have also found that multiple resistors sound better or even a single resistor that can handle more power in a stressed situation (doesn't heat up as much). 
In the same vain,  In some experimenting over time with crossover types, I've found that series crossovers where there is no series coil in circuit also tend to sound better, so back to inductance.  
Duke,  interesting about your gradual slope crossover,  I can see that working,  is this some form of Infinite slope using transformers?  
Appreciate all of you guys,  this has been an interesting conversation.