High Output Preamp for First Watt SIT-3?

I'm new to the audiophile world and recently purchased a First Watt SIT-3 with Magnepan .7s.  I have a Mytek Brooklyn Bridge for streaming, though I prefer to play vinyl with my Mofi Ultradeck.  The Mytek serves as the phono stage (69dB gain for MM?), and I don't use a preamp;  the Brooklyn is connected directly to the First Watt. 

I understand that the SIT-3 is only 11.5 dB of gain, and that's extremely low compared to most amps.  I like most everything about the system except for the fact that I have the Mytek maxed out volume-wise many days.  Certain LPs are cut quieter, and I wish I had more power.  There are times streaming where the Maggies aren't getting to their sweet spot.  I realize the Maggies are a lower sensitivity speaker. 

What should I look for in a preamp to fully drive the SIT-3?  Eventually, I'd like to replace the phono stage instead of relying on the Brooklyn.  Is there a tube preamp featuring a phono stage with sufficient output to drive my amp in the $4k range?  Otherwise, I'm eyeing the Modwright PH 9.0 and a linestage preamp, realizing that this will probably be costlier.  I'm looking for a warm sound, not analytical but engaging. 

Any help is greatly appreciated.  I'm a working musician with a basic understanding of related electronics but little experience in this world. 

I do see frequently that Herb (and mostly Steve G.) will run inefficient speakers with low watt amps and say they sound fine and have plenty of volume, but I get a little wary when I start seeing actual customers trying to power inefficient speakers with 1/6/12/25wpc amps and not quite getting the results they were expecting.  Not everyone is running Zu or Klipsch or Tekton, and I'm not sure where the disconnect is.  Maybe what they consider an acceptable volume doesn't translate well to other peoples' listening habits.

Hi joeinid,

I know you've had some excellent SS amps in your system so your comment regarding the S.I.T.-3 is quite a compliment. I would not be surprised if you preferred it over Avantgarde's own sibling  amplifier.



Hi Charles,

 I don’t claim to have the best ears but I’m sensitive to too much or aggressive treble. Avantgardes beg to be driven by wonderful SET in my opinion. 
I’ve been told that the Avantgarde amps are especially wonderful for classical music but still have a bit of solid state sound. 
I do enjoy a Valvet E2se as a close second. Some of the less recent McIntosh amps like the 452 or 302 sound decent if a little bit flat. 
The Benchmark AHB2 is wonderful too for low to medium volume but it could need more break in. It’s very neutral but also very natural and dead quiet. Spooky details pop out of nowhere. 
The SIT3 is a warm, yet open and laid back presentation. The SIT3 is more mid hall perspective with beautiful vocals and piano. Because of its low gain, it’s also dead quiet and works superbly with various preamps. Best combo is CJ GAT2 with the SIT3. 

Do you believe the S.I.T.3 would improve SQ further if driving a 12 or 16 ohm speaker load (due to lower distortion) or is 8 ohms optimal for this particular amplifier?
If the amplifier begins making a greater percentage of higher ordered harmonic distortion into higher impedances, even though its THD might be lower, increasing higher ordered harmonics is never a good thing!

Have you seen a video of the inside of Herb's listening room in Brooklyn.  One thing it ain't is large.