Actually, you should try the upgraded bryant outlets from home depot if you dont want to spend a ton. They have nice contacts and are well built.. they are like 7 bucks each...
other than that, you could get the ps audio outlets for 49.99 each ... I would definately get a voltage tester in there to see what kind of power you are getting before doing anything... in a multi dwelling, sometimes there arent dedicated circuts per unit... in your case, just make sure you are getting decent constant voltage /amperage and then get nicer outlets to make a good contact for your expensive ac gear!!
Good luck,
Joe DiMonte
other than that, you could get the ps audio outlets for 49.99 each ... I would definately get a voltage tester in there to see what kind of power you are getting before doing anything... in a multi dwelling, sometimes there arent dedicated circuts per unit... in your case, just make sure you are getting decent constant voltage /amperage and then get nicer outlets to make a good contact for your expensive ac gear!!
Good luck,
Joe DiMonte