high power tube amps vs ss

I have always had low efficiancy speakers and had powerfull ss amps to power them. Now I see there are a number of tube amps in the 150 - 200 WPC range. My questions is: is there anything to be gained by switching to these higher power tube amps over ss amps?

Showing 4 responses by mattmiller

Hello I think most great sounding tube amps are of the 75w per channel or less type. Because these amps drive high SENSITIVITY speakers well.Efficiency and Sensitivity are words that get confused when talking about speakers.Sensitive speakers that are 93db or better are great for tube amps. The higher power tube amps like the Audio Research brand are very good sounding and that would be a real upgrade from most SS amps. But, It depends a lot on speakers to. I use a Tube Pre with a 350w Solid state amp...I like the combo for my dark low sensitive 87db Dynaudio 3.0's. it drives them loud and crystal clear. for me to switch to tube amps I would change to a higher sensitive speaker.(that's a big switch for me though)I dont like Fatigue when I listen for a few hours at hi volume.And with this system I have NONE :-)

Matt M
Almarg.....I am not sure what solid state amps you are speaking of. Not all ss amps DOUBLE IN POWER OUTPUT when the load changes. My McIntosh MC352,350w per channel Amp does not change in power output for 8,4 or 2 ohm loads. So I am perplexed by your statement. It also seems to me that you are lumping all SS amps together and thats not fair. Nice system and I bet those speakers are 95db sensitivity or better so they work well with the Tube amp. I wish I could hear it.
Jallen I just put in a pair of MAZDA CIFTIES-12AU7's and I really like the top end end on these. Awesome sounding tube made in 1962 for the French Military.
Dammit! Al, I would love to spend an evening with you listening and drinking. Here's my question Al. I have never tried tube amps and I am fearful that I would miss some SLAM and Impact of the presentation. Does your system belt it out pretty loud and non fatiguing? OR does it seem to be very detailed and airy, but when you turn it up loud, can you listen for long periods? (I guess loud would be above the 35w range)I would love to hear some good tube amps with a different speaker that works well with tubes. There are no stores I can visit nearby. My Dynaudio Contour 3.0s are really great.But they are 86-87db and require a lot of power to open up. My MC352 can drive them over 350w easily and the speakers are rated at 200w. I was thinking of switching to a pair of 70w monoblock tube amps. but I really dont think my dynaudios would like that. of course I have nothing to support this really.what do you think AL. Am I missing out on goosebump city,or is my hybrid system the best I can hope for with these speakers.