High priced power cords and power conditioners????

I am looking to upgrade to the higher priced power AC cords from JPS Digital, JPS Power and Audience. Should I get a power conditioner like the Audio Magic Stealth or Shunyata Hydra first before auditioning the higher priced cords like the Elrods, etc., or get the cords first.

For those of you who have tried the different power conditioners, which ones do you recommend and what cords do you recommend with your units?

I agree with Sugarbrie, if at all possible get the dedicated lines first. I have (2) dedicated 20A lines with isolated grounds. I use one for digital and one for analog. Total cost, about $250. That's including Romex 10-3, PS Audio Power Ports, and installation (okay, so the electrician was a friend). Still, for the dollar, this was by far the best upgrade I've ever had.

If this is not possible, start with a conditioner. I've found that the farther you start back in the electrical line, the better off everything sounds. I have a Tara Labs AD/6 for the digital line and a Audio Magic Stealth for the analog line. As for power cords, yes, they do make a difference, but it's more of an individual taste thing. You're not really hearing what the cords can do though if your ac isn't up to speed. I haven't tried the Elrod cords yet, currently I'm playing with (2) BMI Whales and a Shark, Powersnakes Cobra and Black Mamba and a Tara Labs 'The One'. I prefer different cables for different applications. I like the Powersnakes on digital gear and the BMI Whales feeding the PLC's. The Shark is on the preamp and The One is on the amp. This is probably not the final arrangement, only the du jour arrangement. I actually prefer The One on source, may have to try another one on the amp. Possibly an Elrod, CPCC Top Gun HCFi, or Shunyata Taipan.
As for overal p/c recommendations, it would depend on what you're using them for. Some cords are better for source, whereas others are better for amplifiers/PLC's. You'd be best to pick a specific componant and ask for p/c reco's for that piece within your price range.

Start as far back as you can though, p/c's shouldn't come first, IMHO.

Thanks for your replies. I had dedicated lines (3) installed two weeks ago so the logical next step was to continue to better the AC.
Jmcgrogan2 what does the isolated ground mean on your dedicated lines? You've got the white and black and the green safety ground going back to your main breaker box. Does it mean that the green safety ground has it's own earth ground?

The route I recommend, based on searching the archives here and at Audio Asylum, is to install upgraded outlets first then evaluate the power cords. I am getting incredible results with ACME cryo outlets and Elrod power cords. I have a couple of APC battery backup devices daisy chained together that I plug my digital source into, this was a recommendation from a cable designer, I like the results, but have not compared it any other conditioning devices. I have not done the dedicated lines yet, it sounds like you really liked that upgrade. I have been a little intimidated by the effort involved to accomplish this.
In my opinion you should upgrade the p/c first before the conditioner otherwise you will dilute the benefits of the conditioner. Airborne rf would still get into your system through the p/c rendering your conditioner meaningless.