HIGH Quality Electric Service Panel

Looking for recommendations on very good quality electric panel to use for my dedicated two channel room.  Thx.
Balanced power can be a good thing, unless the equipment manufacturer connected the neutral leg of AC to ground. With normal utility power that’s not a problem, but with balanced?
unless the equipment manufacturer connected the neutral leg of AC to ground.

For electrical safety and electrical safety standards the current carrying neutral conductor is never connected to the chassis of equipment. That has been the standard for at least the last 60 years.

Prior to around the early 1950s and earlier some, maybe many, manufactures of audio equipment did connect one line of the mains, of the 2 wire cord and non polarized plug connected equipment, to the metal chassis of the equipment. Usually the metal chassis was enclosed in a wood or plastic case/enclosure and the knobs were made of plastic or Bakelite non conductive materials. The user was protected from coming into contact with the metal chassis. Depending how the plug was plugged into the electrical wall outlet there was a 50/50 chance the chassis was HOT with respect ground.


I would say more recently than that Jea, but I may be wrong. In any case, there are too many refurbished classics floating about to give a blanket assurance. Beware the two-prong plug!
It seems most look at dedicated lines as a way to isolate noise.  MSB looks at it differently.  According to MSB, the main goal should be to lower resistance.  These are their guidelines that I followed and it has made a very nice difference for me.  This dedicated line also only cost me about $300 to implement:


For those whose homes aren't near a utility transformer and line noise is indeed an issue (i.e. listening at midnight yields better results than listening at 5 pm), here are a couple of products that you install at your panel that don't cost a ton of money and could make a difference.  I don't have these products currently but I am curious about them.  Any input from people who use these would be much appreciated:



Agreed.  I know MSB well (I own the MSB Analog DAC, which is awesome!).  

Vince Galbo taught me the importance of the lower reistance theory  years ago and I rewired my old dedicated room with 6 AWG; it made a tremendous favorable difference.

In my new house, I am using 6 AWG for All my dedicated audio outlets (Furutech GTX-G) and each outlet will be on individual 20A circuts.  These all run to a dedicated service sub-panel in my room which is connected to the main panel by a 2 ought aluminum run.

Just to add a little tweaking to the conversation.

I have placed a couple of layers of the Stillpoints ERS EMI/RF killer cloths over my breakers. They come in 8 x 11 sheets.