Higher Efficiency Speakers

I am going to start my quest for speakers. My room is 13.5x13.5 but open on two sides... so not an ideal space. But never the less this is what I have to deal with.  I have a set of Vandersteen 2ce Sig ii but would like to upgrade. Was thinking about something horn. But seems when you go that route it gets way out of my price range.  Thought maybe look around for some Used Vandersteen Quattro CT but budget starts to stretch at that point. Like to stay under $10,000. What would be good speakers to look for to demo? If my room was alittle bigger.  I’d almost go the other way, and look at Small Maggie’s and Monostrap my amps.
Atma-sphere M60
Atma-sphere UV-1 ( Probably the most Modded. Will be at the end of the month. Lol) 
Bel Canto Dac

@pstoresHave you considered Zu? They are in Utah.
I have a pair of the Soul Superfly, very efficient like all of their speakers.
I run them with various low powered valve amps, even a little 2.5W Miniwatt that can drive them to uncomfortably loud noise levels.
They also pair well with various SS amps and at the moment I have mine connected to a Peachtree iNova which sounds wonderful.
Zu even have a loaner system which makes them easy to try out in your own home.Good luck with the search!

  If you are worried about your listening room, call Spatial Audio. I do not have an ideal room, needed high eff. speakers for a First Watt J2. I went from Tekton (which were very good speakers) to M3 Turbo S, then upgraded to the Triode Masters. Very satisfied, they are worth a phone call.
I tried Zu's and though they were good, they weren't as good as Vandy's.
Maggie's with a Zero Autoformer might work with the M-60-Once again, Ralph would know. He does speak highly of Sound Lab speakers.
Earlier in this trail somebody suggested having 100 dB efficiency speakers would give a freedom to chose from a wide range of amps. I did just that and am now running 1W/channel (yes, 1W) Linear Tube Amp called microZOTL2 with Teresonic Integrum speakers (104 dB) and get the most satisfying sound I ever had. The amp uses signal tubes only and pure class A with amazing results. Teresonic's on the other hand, with no-crossover design create a dynamic range that has to be heard to be believed. Yes, high efficiency speakers will take you places were others can't even think of.