I also have the DH Labs BL1, and it's a good interconnect for the money but not really what you're looking for sonically. Although not absolute, I generally agree with your instinct to go with copper interconnects given your stated preferences. Reviews of Morrow cables seemed to sync with what you're looking for sonically, which is why I recommended trying them, but Dorkwad preferred Darwin and Teo so they may be worth a good look too. And yes, this is like opening Pandora's box, but it's a worthwhile effort that will be an interesting learning experience and reward you significantly in the long run. And hey, wires are about the easiest components to ship and flip, so at least there's that. Not to start a controversial sidetrack here, but I think you'll find those that say wires make no difference are, um, different. Unfortunately in this hobby absolutely everything makes a difference. In fact, ironically, this may be the ONLY absolute in audio. Again, best of luck and enjoy the journey!