higher or lower gauge for 3-6 feet XLR cables?

Hi everyone, I am trying to buy XLR cables to go from source to preamp to amp. I have heard that pure silver cables are better. However, I have seen XLRs of vary ing gauges, can anyone tell me if a 16 AWG is better than 20AWG or is it the other way around?
Thanks in advance!
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The higher the gauge the smaller the wire; smaller wires have higher resistance. There is very little agreement on wire size; some [Mapleshade for example]use very small diameter, others use larger ones. The size alone will give little indication of the sound quality. Some like silver, I use it sometimes but usually use carbon or copper; it is a matter of taste and system matching. I would get ones from a company with a good reputation and not worry much about the cable size.
20 guage is more than enough. Some would say 28-30g but could be fragile to handle. Solid silver does seem to be the way to go however. I'm very pleased with my homemade XLRs.
Be careful,not all silver cables sound the same! Performance can vary just the same as with copper or any conductor. So much depends on purity of the conductor metal,insulation choice,construction etc.
In my experience a well made silver cable can sound sublime in a good system, but not just any random silver cable will work.
Best of Luck,