Home Depot Ext. Cord for Speaker Cable

I was wondering if anyone who has actually tried this themselves could comment on the results. I currently use 14g Monster wire with mostly McIntosh tube gear.

What might I expect to sound different?

Is it the "Rigid" brand that Home Depot sells that people use?

What do you do with the third wire?

Any other constructive feedback will be appreciated as well. Thanks,
I may try the HD wire just for the fun of it. However, what recommendations do you have for a reasonably priced speaker cable that would be a significant improvement over the HD wire? I know everyone probably has their favorite, but I'm curious if there is any consensus on quality lower priced cables. The upper price limit is about $200., preferable less. Thanks again,
Alpha Core Goertz MI-2 Veracity should be in your price range and has a 30 day trial period.
I used some of the orange HD's for a rear set of HT speakers cause I had to run them under the house through the crawl space (it's a long story). They sound fine in that position though I did not compare them to anything else.