Home Theater and Two Channel With Out Reciever?

Would it be possible for me to substitue my home theater reciever for an amp, pre-amp, CD and DVD player setup? Ideally, I am looking for a system that performs well for music and is adequate for Home Theater. My thought would be to run my amps, cd and dvd player through a dedicated pre-amp and use the processor in my dvd player for Home Theater. Is this possible? If so, are there any draw backs that I should be aware of?

Use the following system for reference:

McCormack DNA-125 2 Channel Amp
McCormakc DNA-HT3 3 Channel Amp
CD Player Music Hall CD-25
DVD Player Toshiba SD-9200
Speakers NHT - VT 2.9

I really have a hard time justifying the huge price for a dedicated processor. Classe, Bryston, Krell, Proceed, all equal big bucks. I also understand that it's possible to use my existing HT reciever as a pre-amp, but I don't want to take the chance of downgrading music performance.

Thanks in advance for any help.
You could do what you are asking but you would have to pay a price that would cost $$$. Go to Bent audio web site and check out their passive hometheater set up, It is not the Transformer 102 that you hear a lot about. It is a set up for hometheater that would do what you want, I would only spend this kind of money for a multi-channel music system though as movies are not worth it price wise. If you just want to have top of the line two channel sound then all you need is a good two channel pre with a theater pass through for your main speakers and these are not hard to find (tube or SS) Or you could use a passive pre or any other good two channel pre with a little bit less flex.
If I use a pre with home theater pass, how will the components hook up? For instance, would the speakers, cd and dvd player hook up directly to the pre and then the pre to my television? and would it still be possible to listen to two channel television feeds through my main speakers?

I'm not sure of the routing. If anyone has a setup like this, please share your experience.

Thanks again