home theater processor suggestions?

This is what i am looking for a processor that has /does the following:
1. has hdmi1.3 or better
2. xlr connections
3. room correction
4. be able to process most of the upper formats.
5. 7 channel.

i have no need for analog input or out puts. i run hdmi in and out. i just need one of each.

i run a anthem statement p5 amp

i know about the anthem mva 50v and the statement d2v...

thank you for your suggestions
Perhaps a used/refurbished/"B"stock Integra 80.2 or Onkyo 5508? Fits all your needs, afaik, and might be attractively priced. Current models, 80.3 or 5509, might be available advantageously if their successors are announced at CEDIA.
The Anthem MRX line delivers much of the performance of their dedicated processors at a much lower price point. I use the MRX300 as a pre/pro. No XLR though. Great piece for $1k.

Anthem, Marantz, and Integra are the likely units for you to narrow down to. The Anthem out of the box has the best room correction. The Integra will be on par if you upgrade to Audyssey pro. Marantz has the older Audyssey. I haven't seen reviews or heard the emotiva to comment. I use an a-100 emotiva amp for my zone2 audio. It's just fine but no experience other than that. I have had Anthem pre-pros for years and I love the 2-channel and multichannel capabilities. Kal has reviewed both the Anthem and Integra in Stereophile and Michael Fremmer has reviewed the Marantz. All get high marks for audio. My hunch tells me that the Anthem (i admit my bias) and then the Integra are probably a class above, but I haven't heard the Integra or Marantz to be able to tell you definitively either way.