Home Theatre Recommendations

Currently have fairly good "seperates" Lexicon MC1, B&W N803 & HTM1 Speakers and surrounds, Cinepro 3K6SE 6CH Amp, Plinius 2CH Amp, Wadia 860x CD Player, Pioneer Elite PRO 1000HD 50" Plasma TV etc..

I want to simplify the whole system by getting a good quality integrated receiver that also has good 2 channel music listening reproduction. I just don't have the appropriate room for it any longer. The room is 13' x 17' wood floors and a vaulted ceilings. The acoustics in the room don't justify the high quality components any longer. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by subdoofus

For 2-channel recievers

You must consider:
A) McIntosh
B) Magnum Dynalab