if there is surface noise when playing back vinyl (even after thorough cleaning) isn’t upgrading the table a nearly useless endeavor beyond a certain point since the noise floor improvement from a better table will never be realized?
not necessarily. you would have to do some testing to refine what is causing the noise. surface noise might be a few different things. the best approach is to first eliminate the obvious things before you start thinking about the platter or motor.
ideally you have a few Lp's and could hear them on a known properly performing turntable to get a reference for how they should sound. maybe even take them to a local hifi shop and ask them to play a short passage to find out (assuming they have a turntable).
or buy a new record that you confidently feel is likely quiet and properly pressed.
1--this noise could be as simple as some sort of gunk adhering to your stylus. heat from friction in the groove can cause that gunk to stick strongly. read up on proper cleaning methods for your cartridge.
2---could be the vinyl itself maybe with groove damage. or just a terrible pressing.
3---could be a loose cartridge mounting, or loose arm mounting.
4.---obvious noise from the platter or motor is unusual. typically you might hear some noise during very quiet passages, or maybe some 'sour' discontinuity during horn or piano sustains. but both of those things are lower level type noise, not in your face.