Did you get any information at all about the speakers? Like placement in the room, toe-in, etc.? These are all very important. If you didn't, and Bobby P. doesn't chime in here you might want to contact him at Merlin. He is always more than willing to help you get the proper setup for your equipment. For what it's worth, I have my BAM between preamp and power amp, although with a single source it could go between the source and the preamp.
Hook up of Bam w/Merlin speakers
I just bought a pair of Merlins VSM-M's from Audiogon. I need help in connecting the Bam. I didn't get any literature with the shipment. I heard the connection should be between the Pre/amp and the amp. How many interconnects do I need to purchase and what am I connecting them to? I have a separate amp and Pre/amp.