Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?

As just another way to build a loudspeaker system why such disputes in forums when horns are mentioned?    They can solve many issues that plague standard designs but with all things have there own.  So why such hate?  As a loudspeaker designer I work with and can appreciate all transducer and loudspeaker types and I understand that we all have different needs budgets experiences tastes biases.  But if you dare suggest horns so many have a problem with that suggestion..why?
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"The Palladium series did look like fine products, but they apparently didn’t compete with conventional speakers well."

They did not compete well mainly because of price points.  At $20,000 msrp for the P-39Fs, these were a huge step up for Klipsch that many "loyal" Klipsch fans just could/would not swallow that pill.  At that price Klipsch would be rubbing shoulders with some heavy hitters and they had not "proven" they belonged in that elite group.  Many non Klipsch folks were just not willing to give them a chance, and I get that.

At some of the current used prices out in used speaker land, these Palladiums are becoming a powerhouse performance bargain.

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I get the impression from the glowing adoration of horns by some here that their significant shortcomings are being ignored
I can speak for myself in that such is certainly not the case. Horns can sound as good or as bad as anything else.