Horn speakers are really bright?

So I’m trying to understand why so many people think klipsch or horn speakers are bright 

I have two  set up garage and living room both with horn speakers EPIC CF4 garage and and KLF 30 mahogany living room  

I have recorded this songs with my iPhone  listen to them and feel free to tell me what you don’t like about them
 by the way I don’t have any room treatment



I borrowed a pair of the Usher BE 718s a few years ago from a dealer. At the time I had some Green Mountain Audio monitors. The GMA speakers beat them overall. The only thing the Ushers did better was bass response. The midrange just wasn't as real sounding. I can hear more texture in the midrange on the Klipsch speakers in your video than the Ushers. Same thing I heard in my room.


The years have taught me that generalizations about audio are often wrong. 

I agree.  Saying horn speakers are bright makes no more sense than would be the case if you said sealed speakers are bright or ported speakers are bright.