Horning Eufrodites - help needed with boomy bass

Hi Eufrodites' users,

Can anyone help me with solving a serious issue of boomy bass?
Speakers are about 7 months old.

Do they still need time to break in?
Room acoustics? at first I thought so but the boominess is even at very low levels of sound.
I play them mostly with Jadis JA100 and the Sati 520b from Horning too. Boominess is on both setups.

Help!!!! There's nothing more annoying than boomy bass. I just can't enjoy music anymore.


The cabinet under your cd's has vents which from this side
of the ocean makes me think the doors are metal and
something mechanical is behind them. If you could open the
doors or remove them that may help. If the cabinet needed to
stay the way it is now and it could be emptied.. filling
with stone or creek rock would help. You need to port the
cabinet so air will pass thru like an intake and exhaust of
a car. The stone will act as natural diffuser and not as a
damper like foam or fiberglass. You should also put stone
underneath the cabinet on the floor. You could cover these
areas that contain the stone with grill cloth. The cd
cabinet above... could have a full width door that fits
flush against your music collection. From the front, the
door would be hinged on the right side with the door handle
on the left side. When you are playing music you could open
the door so it's angle will steer the bass around and in
front of the wall with the 90 degree angle. This will bring
the bass pressure more to the center of the room and reduce
standing wave resonance in the area around the niche. Tom
Amuseb, are you really sure you can't site a diminutive 12"x12"x12" sub behind you, with one power cable? You could even put a vase of flowers on top to obscure it (max WAF!).
It REALLY solved my boomy bass issues, and maybe more than other contributors here, my prev spkrs are probably as close to yours, and hence experience similar, so I know where you're coming from more than most.
Clayton offers full money back if it doesn't solve your needs. Worth a try, surely?
I own the Eufrodites. They are in my living room (huge) powered by 10 watts of SET. With the preamp volume set to 11:00 the bass begins to overload the room.

There are 8 sensitive bass drivers per side, which for the most part are rear-firing. They are very dynamic. They need a lot of room to breathe. Also, I suspect that there are room nodes to deal with- you need to treat your entire room, not just the glass wall. Absorption, diffusion, bass trapping, first reflection, etc.

You can work on your other components and experiment with footers, but I suspect that none of that will have any effect on this particular problem.

Any sort of manipulation of the ports will be a step in the wrong direction. The structure and function of the ports is intrinsic to the design and voicing of this finely tuned loudspeaker.

Hope this helps!
Spiritofmusic, thanks for your advice. As you know, I live in Paris, France and therefore benefiting from the free trial offered by Spatial in the US isn't that musch of a given. As far as I can tell from their web site, they don't have a global distribution network, but I can ask them just to confirm.

Psag, thanks for your comment. Can you tell me what, if any, are the room treatments you have used in your living room?
You're right, no free trial outside US. I live in London, England, and actually took a risk which paid off.
Beyond this unit, no other room treatments, other than a woolen rug on my wooden floor between me and the spkrs.