Hovland-Pre,anyone heard it ?

Curious if anyone has spent any time with Hovland's preamp and if so what your impressions are-thanks.
As always, my impressions are based on MY tastes, preferences, system and room and relative to my experiences with other equipment so, YMMV. With that disclaimer out of the way, I can start by saying that I have owned a CAT Signature MKII, an Audible Illusions 3A, a cj-pv10, a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 (still have) a Blue Circle BC-21 (still have), an Aesthetix Io and ARC PH3SE and heard many many more. For your reference the rest of my system is comprised of Lamm M1.1 amps, Hales T8s speakers, Sonic Frontiers T3/P3 and Processor 3 digital front end, VPI TNT-V (w/JMW 12.5 arm and Crown Jewel SE and Helikon)) analog front end, Nordost Quattro fil interconnects and SPM Reference speaker cables (leaving out the power cords and conditioners and isolation stuff).

Based on my system, I can say that the Hovland is the BEST preamp I have had to date. It is very liquid and musical with an extended top end that is not harsh or etched. I was able to take a 4 chassis, 36 tube, 155 lb., $12,500.00 line/phono stage (Aesthetix Io and Line 3) and replace it with the one box, 6 tube, $6,500.00 Hovland (with 66db step up MC phono stage) and eliminate a $1,600 interconnect in the process.

The Hovland has me listening to more vinyl than I ever have (before I was a 75% CD, 25% vinyl listener -- now I am listening to 75% vinyl). This preamp is a joy to own. It has a beautifully detailed and full bodied midrange, extended taut bass (that I even prefer to the Line 3 which is a bass king - I like the timbre of the Hovland's bass better). It is NOT a c-j kinda preamp though. No rolled off soft or mushy tubey sound here. It also allows the already incredible soundstaging of my Lamms to extend beyond my walls (when the source has the goods) and the MC phono stage has enough gain to drive any low output moving coil.

I find its imaging and focus as good or better than any I've owned or heard and I like the fact that it only uses 6 tubes - 3 in the line stage (12AX7 and 12AU7) and 3 in the phono stage (12AX7 and 12AY7). I liked and enjoyed the Io, but it, in my opinion, has REAL reliability problems and cost a fortune to retube if you are an NOS kinda guy. I actually prefer the sound of the Hovland in MY system.

Are there better preamps out there? Only you can answer that. Maybe the new Lamm L2 Reference? The ART? The Blowtorch or the Expressive Technologies? The JRDG or the Levinson? Who knows and, for me for now, who cares. Right now I'll sit back and relax and stick to the KISS principle.

I hope this helps.
Fmpnd, Yo nice system kudos to you. I was wonderin have you compared to CAT Ultimate?
From what I hear Hovland has to be truly wonderfull pre amp. Many thanks for your input in this matter :-)
I also love the Hovland with phono. Truly superb. My previous was a Joule MK3 with BelCanto Phono1. This preamp also simplifies my setup and gives me a lot of enjoyment.
Outsatnding resolving power and musicality. I love it.