How about those vibrapods under bookshelf speaker

I have a pair of B&W DM 602s resting on a very solid shelf cover with ceramic tile. Would vibrapods help? What would they do to the sound?
I remember reading about hockey pucks under speakers and components in a Stereophile Fine Tunes. At @ 1.00 each you may want to check it out. Good luck.
MY guess is that vibropods may distort your soundstage and weaken the attack of your speaker. Energy would escape, much like setting the speaker directly on carpet. If vibration were a concern spikes probably would be a better solution as mentioned above (killerpiglet).

One more thing, Welcome to the forms. There are a lot of regulars here and sometimes we say the darndest things. Just remember there is no such thing as a dumb question. Except for maybe one or two that I have asked in the past:~).