How are you liking Amazon Music HiFi now that it’s been out a month or so.

I am just about to end my free trial period and time to decide. So I would like to hear from anyone trying the new Amazon HiDef Music since it was recently offered. So let’s hear your opinions on selection as well software or ease of navigating their system. My current service is Deezer in case it comes up.
I had the trial version for a few weeks. I thought the sound quality was on a par with Tidal. Some things better in Amazon, some better in Tidal.

However, the interface with the Bluesound Node 2i is sorely lacking when compared to that of Tidal. You cannot edit your music from the Bluos app nor can you "go to artist" from an artist in your music. It just feels clunky. I am staying with Tidal for now, but might revisit if Amazon can work out those issues.


I’m in the middle of the same process trying to decide between
keeping Tidal or moving to Amazon or Qobuz.
They all sound very good, Amazon and Qobuz sound a little more forward than Tidal - Tidal’s sound is a bit more laid back. I’ve been A/B ing certain tracks but, honestly no clear winner on sound for me.

Pricing wins for Amazon although it won’t cast to Chromecast audio devices which I have all over the house for causal listening. Qobuz pricing is now better than Tidal and it works fine with Chromecast
but, doesn’t have a family - plan just one user. 
With all that said most likely I will be staying with Tidal for now.

That is kind of where I am with the Amazon, Sound is fine but with my Bluesound Node 2 it is a real challenge to use. I do notice that even though as a Prime Member and I signed up for the HD trial, that a lot of the music I am selecting is standard and not showing as HiFi on my Bluos controller.

As Ozzy said, I think I will stay with what I have in Deezer till Amazon can come with a better user interface. I had really hoped that I could save the money and drop Deezer, but just not sure Amazon has either realized they have some issues or are wanting to force the purchase of their own streaming device.

Thank you all for your responses. Hope to hear more

I would have thought the interface that you see when accessing Amazon from Bluesound is a Bluesound issue. When I access Amazon music from my PC there is a much more refined user interface. When I access Amazon from Bluesound, the UI is bare bones and yes, clunky is putting it nicely. Some good news recently as a week ago I was getting "server errors" when searching certain artists but that seems to have been fixed. Hopefully they will continue to improve the user experience.
My opinionated scorecard, 0 - 5 scale, 5 = excellent

              | Catalog | SQ | UX | value | decency |
Spotify          4          2       2      2          2
Qobuz           4         4        2      4ˆ         3
Tidal              3         4        3      3          2
Amazon         4         4        1      3          0

^ : $12.50/mo with Studio Premier year subscription

  • UX = client software user experience
  • decency = aggregate of corporate track-record + potential for least-damage to humanity


  • Spotify can’t complete on SQ so they’re out of contention
  • I had a Tidal subscription for a while, at the time the least-bad of the "hi-res" music services for me. I cancelled while playing around with my total $$$ spend on subscriptions of all kinds.
  • I’m nearing the end of my Amazon Music "HD" free trial and won’t pay for a subscription for all the reasons, not least of which is Amazon being a soulless vampire-squid mega-corporation.