How BIG is yours?

That is, music collection. Seems like everyone is proud of their big (physically, cost-wise etc) stereo systems. I want to know how big your music collection is. I always ask when I conduct a transaction, half out of curiosity, half wondering whether to trust the sonic biases of someone who owns maybe fifty-sixty albums/CDs tops. I'll start: I have around 500 LPs and 1500 CDs, more and more of which are the excellent DCC Gold and XRCD variety. Would you rather spend $100 on trying music you haven't heard or trying a new power cord (no wrong answer here, I do both)?
my cd collection has been growing by 50-75/ month, mostly promos provided by my older son who's a consultant to various radio stations and record labels. lot's of discs stacked up, many still unplayed. i estimate my cd's number somewhere around 2,300 at the moment.

i used gregm's formula to measure my lp's and it seems to work about the same as my earlier estimates. i own 24 meters' worth, so about 5,400.

BTW, sean, when you've reached 50, and beyond, you'll look back on 40 as a grand, youthful time. many fewer brain farts. am i right, detlof & albert, my friends?

I raised a similar post a while back,there's a wide range of people who take up the audio hobby.
It seems to me by nature very many have pretty conservative tastes,classic rock,some folk,some country,some jazz,some classical.
I have collected somewhere in the region of 1100 CD's in the last 6 years(before that I had about 500 LP's) and I get more joy out of searching out new sounds than I do tweaking/upgrading my system.
I have no prejudice on this subject,if you only had 3 CD's
and a 10K system who am I to judge?
I just find I keep following links in the chain of musical history and end up with all kinds of mad records from the avant garde to Eva Cassidy but I do consider myself pretty unique on Audiogon as someone who spends more time checking
out music than trying to improve my system.
I think people sort of gloss over the music they have, using generic terms like jazz when they mean Kenny G or classic when they mean star wars soundtrack. But hey, why not? If it sounds good, even for a while, I say get it. I can admit I have the Armageddon soundtrack (what was I thinking?) I have all sorts of pop and folk music some in languages I barely understand if at all: Brasilian, Celtic, Japanese rock, pop, Canto-pop, Taiwanese folk, Mandarin-pop, R&B, Jazz, Lieder, opera (yes!), various chant, all kinds of rock/pop, chamber music, duets, solos, orchestral. I don't have funked-out synth music but I do have a test tone CD. That's what's so great about music. Oh, I admit, the gear is fun, too.