How big should center spkr be to set to "large"?

in the processor, that is?

My center speaker is pretty big as center speakers go, a Paradigm cc570. But it pales in LF response compared to my front L/R. Also, I am not currently using a sub.

I have tried it with the center set to small and large. When center is set to large, the movies seem to lose a lot of overall bass. I have plenty of amp power to the center, 200w.

I would like to set the center to large to get a bigger sound right there in the middle, but perhaps you have to have an even bigger center speaker. But that is going to get really expensive.
Good Points CDW,

My solution would be get rid of the Paradign Center channel immediately, use phantom mode and pine for a Legacy Silver Screen I center channel. ($450 used?)

Best? you don't even have a shot at mediocre. The Paradigm and the Legacy speakers you have couldn't be more different and incompatible. (who recommended that combo anyway?) In your case no center channel is better than the combo you have.

Another cheap fix which I don't recommend but I know audio guys are, is to get the Behringer "feedback Destroyer EQ $89" and EQ the Paradigm to match the Legacy's better. But that's a longshot possible fix for you.

So start selling the Paradigm and searching for the SS1 then we can really help you when you've atleast assembled a system where our advice can matter.
D edwards,

Well, actually, I aquired the Legacy Signatures some time ago, when I acutally had some money, and before I had 2 kids in college, as I do now!

I have been aware of the Legacy center channel speakers, but they were pretty pricey. I was not aware it might be possible to get a Silver Screen in that price range.

And no, nobody suggested the Paradigm Speaker. I did that myself, as a result of poor intelligibility of center channel dialog with a PSB Image 9C speaker. The Paradigm 570 is a pretty good speaker, and is quite a bit better than the PSB. And it really seems to blend with the L/R okay to me. (I have now found out that a lot of the clarity problem was due to the center speaker cable and interconnects, but live and learn).

Also, my center speaker sits on top of my Mits RPTV. How much does the Silver Screen weigh?
Correction...Mine are the Legacy Signature II, which do not have the kevlar mid-woofer. But they seem pretty good to me. Any time I listen to other speakers of any similar price, I find myself thinking of what aspects of the sound I would be giving up.
We're not talking about $$$, were talking about Brown belt with black shoes.

If I'm correct the Paradigm is a $900 center channel? Which you should almost be able to swap for a used Silver Screen, it should be a even trade or +/- $100 at the worst.

I don't know how much the Silverscreen weighs, just know having one will make a huge difference.
I have the 570 myself and use it on large. Paradigm themselves told me to use the large setting. In fact if you are using a sub and any of you speakers do atleast 40Hz or lower. Use the large setting for those with your systems crossover but not rolled off.