Jcbtubes -
Have you bothered to read the PC challenge? Judging from your post, clearly not, yet for some reason feel the need to expound upon it - and upon me personally ("closeminded and lazy", you said). Your comments are insulting and ludicrous. Let's check the facts - while you might not care, others are perhaps interested:
"You wish that others go out of their way to accommodate YOU". The ONLY restriction I placed was for the test to be local; I've a family (and a life) and was unwilling to jump on a plane and spend a couple of days traveling. Since I live in the 5th largest metropolitan area in the United States, that limits it to a population of roughly 7 million people. Sorry if you consider that unreasonable.
". . . at least put forth the time to take Brulee up on his offer". If you'd even skimmed through the PC Challenge thread you'd know that Bruce, others and I have discussed this. You would also know that we are planning on getting together at a time when it's mutually convenient. I'll be down in LA pretty frequently, although June doesn't work out well for Bruce. Sorry if our getting together in a month or two isn't fast enough for you. You wouldn't know that Bruce and I have discussed my trying some of his PCs. The first wouldn't work, as my rack doesn't allow inflexible cords to be easily inserted but he's looking for another. That I'll try.
"Stop complaining that more people aren't willing to put themselves out . . .". In my post I said that the lack of participation was most likely due to geographic constraints - an acknowledgement, not a complaint.
". . .for what will amount to simply your benefit". Let's see - I'm willing to put up $500 with ABSOLUTELY NO POSSIBILITY of any financial gain, as you'd know if you'd read the challenge. How can you possibly feel that's to my benefit, simply or otherwise?
Have you bothered to read the PC challenge? Judging from your post, clearly not, yet for some reason feel the need to expound upon it - and upon me personally ("closeminded and lazy", you said). Your comments are insulting and ludicrous. Let's check the facts - while you might not care, others are perhaps interested:
"You wish that others go out of their way to accommodate YOU". The ONLY restriction I placed was for the test to be local; I've a family (and a life) and was unwilling to jump on a plane and spend a couple of days traveling. Since I live in the 5th largest metropolitan area in the United States, that limits it to a population of roughly 7 million people. Sorry if you consider that unreasonable.
". . . at least put forth the time to take Brulee up on his offer". If you'd even skimmed through the PC Challenge thread you'd know that Bruce, others and I have discussed this
"Stop complaining that more people aren't willing to put themselves out . . .". In my post I said that the lack of participation was most likely due to geographic constraints - an acknowledgement, not a complaint.
". . .for what will amount to simply your benefit". Let's see - I'm willing to put up $500 with ABSOLUTELY NO POSSIBILITY of any financial gain, as you'd know if you'd read the challenge. How can you possibly feel that's to my benefit, simply or otherwise?