How can power cords make a difference?

I am trying to understand why power cords can make a difference.

It makes sense to me that interconnects and speaker cables make a difference. They are dealing with a complex signal that contains numerous frequencies at various phases and amplitudes. Any change in these parameters should affect the sound.

A power cord is ideally dealing with only a single frequency. If the explanation is RF rejection, then an AC regeneration device like PS Audio’s should make these cords unnecessary. I suppose it could be the capacitance of these cables offering some power factor correction since the transformer is an inductive load.

The purpose of my post is not to start a war between the “I hear what I hear so it must be so” camp and the “you’re crazy and wasting your money,” advocates. I am looking for reasons. I am hoping that someone can offer some valid scientific explanations or point me toward sources of this information. Thanks.
Sorry Fpeel for adding you too. I must be loosing my sense of humor (even as sick as it is) Thanks Dekay for pointing that out, I didn't like the idea of another! J.D.
Albert -

Your test description was certainly picturesque! ;-)

I'm sure that you already know, however, that a blind test only means that the identity of the object under test remains unknown. That's ALL that I'm looking for, and still honestly, honestly don't understand why people are reluctant to evaluate components in this fashion. I have no desire or intent to diminish anyone's listening enjoyment, and think that even a cursory reading of my postings here would show that.

Also, why do you feel that I don't think that audio "tools" are important? Ignoring your comment regarding my hearing abilities (unwarrented and unfair, please!), I feel that there are a great many things that can be done to change the sound of a system. Room acoustics and speakers clearly have a huge impact, front end (especially analog) and amps may have an impact as well although much smaller IMO. Speaker cables and interconnects should not have any effect in most cases and PCs bring up the rear (confirmed to me, at least, when I've listened blind; I've heard all sorts of things during sighted evaluations).

I'd be sincerely happy to join you for a listening test, and as an amateur classical musician would be eager to meet someone at the Grammy-level. It'd be fun regardless of the outcome. I'll let you know the next time I come out to Dallas (it's been 1-2x/year typically, but hard to know with a new job) and let's see if we can set something up.

Jcbtubes -

Have you bothered to read the PC challenge? Judging from your post, clearly not, yet for some reason feel the need to expound upon it - and upon me personally ("closeminded and lazy", you said). Your comments are insulting and ludicrous. Let's check the facts - while you might not care, others are perhaps interested:

"You wish that others go out of their way to accommodate YOU". The ONLY restriction I placed was for the test to be local; I've a family (and a life) and was unwilling to jump on a plane and spend a couple of days traveling. Since I live in the 5th largest metropolitan area in the United States, that limits it to a population of roughly 7 million people. Sorry if you consider that unreasonable.

". . . at least put forth the time to take Brulee up on his offer". If you'd even skimmed through the PC Challenge thread you'd know that Bruce, others and I have discussed this . You would also know that we are planning on getting together at a time when it's mutually convenient. I'll be down in LA pretty frequently, although June doesn't work out well for Bruce. Sorry if our getting together in a month or two isn't fast enough for you. You wouldn't know that Bruce and I have discussed my trying some of his PCs. The first wouldn't work, as my rack doesn't allow inflexible cords to be easily inserted but he's looking for another. That I'll try.

"Stop complaining that more people aren't willing to put themselves out . . .". In my post I said that the lack of participation was most likely due to geographic constraints - an acknowledgement, not a complaint.

". . .for what will amount to simply your benefit". Let's see - I'm willing to put up $500 with ABSOLUTELY NO POSSIBILITY of any financial gain, as you'd know if you'd read the challenge. How can you possibly feel that's to my benefit, simply or otherwise?

To ALL- I regret that I can sometimes take things too seriously. This is supposed to be fun.
To JHunter- I do apologize for my diatribe. I recented communicated with Brulee and discovered that in fact you have been discussing the listening issue further. Though I did attempt (twice, actually) earlier to add a response stating this, the Audiogon server wouldn't accept my follow-up till now.

May I add, as has been detailed in other responses, that A/B testing of audio equipment is not a trivial task. Power cycling of equipment and equipment (cable) movement can take a considerable amount of time to restabilize. This can severely limit the number of swaps possible in a week, let alone a day. Also, conclusions based on other's perceptions really aren't as valid as those based on your own experience.

To this end, I'm willing to offer a Shunyata King Cobra (moderately flexible but thick and heavy) for audition (with some reasonable form of deposit) for a week in your system. (I'd offer a FIM, but it seems Brulee has already offered one). Though your system is unknown to me, I will assume that it is a true attempt at hi-end aspirations. My opinion is that you will easily differentiate between a stock cord and the Shunyata. (FYI: the King Cobra will have to be installed and not moved for a couple of days before it will perform at it's best. It's internal construction requires settling of the proprietary "dust" used for emi/rfi absorption. Also, I'd recommend that you place it on your front-end equipment first.)

If I may, I do find that knowledge through personal experience is usually worth much more than money. This is what I was refering to as "for your benefit". For someone to offer to set aside their time (and Brulee has, I seem to recall, refused any monetary compensation) to help enlighten you, certainly fits my definition of "for your benefit".

I allowed my cynicism to get the better of me. I must assume that you are sincere about listening to power cords yourself with some semblance of an open mind, regardless of some of the comments that you've previously submitted. However, it does seem perplexing that you haven't commented about attempts to contact any dealers concerning pc auditioning. I'm sure that I and others on this thread can help direct you to several so that you can participate in this endeavor yourself. Please contact me if you are interested in auditioning the Shunyata pc.

Jhunter, in response to your "honestly, honestly don't understand why people are reluctant to evaluate components in this fashion". I can only give you my reasons, but suspect that they may overlap with others'. I find ABX testing provides far too short a listening experience where the listeners are trying to discern differences in the equipment, not trying to enjoy music. It is my opinion that we all try to objectify too much when we describe how a component sounds, and that we are better to just try relaxing into the groove of the music when evaluating equipment. I have learnt when evaluating a component to just put it in place and then forget about it. After a few days, maybe a week (ignoring burn-in time) I get a sense of how much I am enjoying the music. When I am not enjoying it I start to get objective and try to identify what is going on. When I have developed a hypothesis I test it by swapping out the new item for its predecessor. Sometimes I get an overwhelming sense of relief from doing this, not always easy to objectively describe, but clearly the new product had been reducing my ability to relax into the groove of the music.

I don't think that what an individual needs in order to get enjoyment out of music is easy to objectify, much less measure. This is because electronically recorded and reproduced music is not the same as the naturalness of the real thing, and in order to recreate the feeling of the real thing the brain has to do a lot of work. Exactly which distortions tax the brain most, or distract the brain most from relaxing into the groove are not captured by measurements of THD in my experience.

I find that in ABX testing (which I have had some experience of), I can only readily identify what I perceive to be differences relating to tonal colorations, grain, dynamics and transparency. I often find that understanding the differences in PRAT, for example, or naturalness of the way sounds start and stop, as another example, take me longer. I theorise that this is because these issues only become meaningful when you are just trying to enjoy the music, not when you are trying to objectify the sound. And yet these two issues are critical requirements for me in a music system.

And by the way, I have reported elsewhere here the results of an ABX test I did with two other listeners with respect to power cables. The differences were readily discernable for me even in an ABX, because there were clear differences in that the stock cable imposed a grain on the sound and suffered some upper-midrange ringing.