Hey Devilboy. You cannot depend on magazines. My biggest disapointment were from the magazines. I did get some very good information from friends in the business of making audio gear. I purchased a VTL power amp and the reason was that I had heard it sounded very good and was reliable plus I got a good deal. It also used a tube I like, the EL 34's and that was cool too. So I took a chance on it. I also have a Van Alstine Super PAS 3si tube preamp. I had owned CJ, ARC, Audible Illusions, PS Audio (80's vintage) some Chinese gear, Rogue, and the list keeps growing. The Van Alstine surprised me more than any of the other gear I mentioned. I have had it for almost a year and I can only find one thing I would like to have more of and that is transparency. This unit is a 8.9 out of 10 which is very good IMO.
I read every review I could find on both pieces and my honest gut feeling was to try it. I got a good deal on them and I won't loose any money on them. I am guranteed to break even no matter what. But I was surprised how well both the power amp and preamp matched each other and I decided to keep them.
My speakers are over 13 years old. Spica TC 60's. I turned down several expensive speakers including Magepan MG 12's, Living Voice Avatars, VonSchweigert VR 3's and Vandersteen 2Ci's. The TC 60 may not play as loud but they are a better match in my room.
Yes, friends and reviews gives you some very good choices but it's all about taking a chance on what you like and what you want and putting in the time to extract everything out of that gear you can. If it means buying a new amp, wire or better stands, etc.