How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?

I am so excited about all the reviews of various digital amps out there. I just know this is the future of audio because the value is just too irresistable.

But, there are so many companies out there: PS Audio, Bel Canto, NeForce, Wyred, Spectron, etc just to name a few. To compound the issue(s), the modding companies like Cullen Circuits are upgrading and modifying digital amps. So are there differences between these companies products' sound or does digital equipment sound homogenous? Where does the biggest "bang-for-the-buck" lie when it comes to digital amps? Has anyone directly compared any of these digital amps to each other?
Nospam, by looking at:
I see there are a couple of different models of ICE based amps made by Seymour. Which one did you try out? G.

It was the Ice Block 5001.

I believe it's the one they typically send out for reviews.
What a lot of people missed was that Wyred 4 sound was doing mods for PS audio for years - Cullen Engineering- until PS audio moved.
The Wyred was better sounding than the Bell canto 1,000 it had more body ,prat and the input stage is modified by Wyred 4 sound ,Bell canto just started this -This year, Wyred now have a preamp I just bought, fully balanced input to output,No coupling caps at all just a buffered direct feed gain stage that is it. I have found nothing in the $4k range that can beat it for inner detail, transparancy, and musicaity. and at under $1800 factory direct it is no contest.I have had many preamp and amps over $5k
I bought the ST-250 amplifier these 2 together would be hard to beat even at $10k combined !