How do i encode a HDCD on PC?

What software do i need to create a HDCD?

I want to record my records / mixes onto pc @ 24bit etc. Then clean up and burn onto CD in HDCD format. (which my Nad player supports).

Plus WMP10 supports decoding HDCD's.
I am not aware of any PC software that has the ability to encode HDCD. You will need professional equipment for that.
This has puzzled me for years now. It must be possible,
but I have not seen software to do this. Since Pacific
Microsystems patented HDCD, one would legally have to license
the right to encode, as well as decode it. Still, some
hacker MUST have figured it out. Maybe it's too esoteric
and of limited interest, though I sure like HDCD.

I've seen a few CD burners (hardware) that say they can
rip HDCDs, presumably just as copies. But the actual
data encoding would not be done by such a machine.

Good luck and keep us posted if you find any solution.

Cannot be done without proprietary hardware from Pacific Micro. The hardware is quite expensive.