How do I set/adjust the bias on my tube amp?

New to tubes here. I couldn't find anything on the site on this. How do I adjust the bias for my 300b amps. What guage do I need? How do I determine the setting for the tubes I have? (Electro Harmonix).
There are various schemes for bias adjustment and many amps are self biasing. It really depends on the amp, not the tubes. Contact the manufacturer for their recommended procedure. Or let us know what amps you have and perhaps someone here is familiar with them. If any type of test equipment is required it is usually a common voltmeter.
Myraj, Herman is 1000% correct. I cannot add anything to it. You need to list the amplifier.
Herman & Trelja,
It is a pair of custom made 300B monoblocks by Kevin Brooks. There appears to be a bias adjustment screw by each 300b tube.
Your comments and help are appreciated.