Excellent suggestion. I wonder how much difference there really is between an inexpensive NG, Record Doctor or KAB vs. a VPI. They all share the same operating principle (felt-covered vacuum slot), so one wonders if the 2-4 times more costly VPI really cleans that much better.
Washing in the sink, if that implies using tap water, proved unsatisfactory for us. Tap water contains impurities that can be difficult or impossible to remove from a record. When I was young and innocent I tried it. The records got cleaner in general of course, but quite a few picked up noises that weren't there before. Neither my old DIY RCM nor my Loricraft can remove those impurities. I had to re-purchase several fairly expensive records after tap-water cleaning ruined them. :-(
Call me a purist, but the better one's gear the cleaner the vinyl needs to be. Nicksgem10s is already well up the equipment ladder and seems prepared to move higher still.