How do I switch from Wi-Fi to Ethernet cables?

My Bluesound Node currently receives Wi-Fi, but I'd like to switch to a direct link. I assume that would be with an ethernet cable from the modem to the Bluesound - with possibly a better switch between the two.

The problem is that my modem is in the basement and the Bluesound is on a different floor. There is not a clear path for running cable. 

Is there a piece of equipment or technology that I could help in this situation?


@cleeds Yes, the streaming protocol has a name - it's called TCP/IP and it ensures 100% packet delivery in order thanks to the use of caches, buffers, CRC error detection and retransmission. If your streaming efforts aren't time-sensitive, TCP can be advantageous for enabling the full bandwidth of a network and ensuring enhanced reliability. Amazon Prime, Qobuz, and Netflix use TCP as the transport layer protocol. YouTube on the other hand use both UDP and TCP protocols.

TIDAL uses TCP/IP to send encapsulated PCM data (as FLAC) from it's servers on the Internet to your PC/Mac. There is no concept of "jitter" while audio data is in this domain - the packets are received and reliably assembled into a PCM stream, buffered by your PC, and then sent to your DAC via the OS-specific audio layers (e.g. Core Audio for a Mac). While packets are sequenced, TCP/IP does NOT contain any temporal information, in that the packets are not associated with a time of arrival and associated re-transmit - it's completely asynchronous.

Until it's being sent to the DAC, timing simply does not  matter. And, since just about all DACs receive PCM data via an asynchronous USB input, timing from the PC does not come into play either (i.e. there is no "jitter" here, either).

If you're live streaming - a Zoom call - UDP is considered the preferred protocol. UDP does not guarantee packet he other protocol used for streaming is delivery, but offers slightly greater throughput. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is specifically chosen for time-sensitive applications like gaming, playing videos, or Domain Name System (DNS) lookups. It is not used for streaming music.


@cleeds Yes, the streaming protocol has a name - it’s called TCP/IP ...

Of course. That’s exactly what I said:

... streaming really is streaming, it’s not something else. Qobuz, Tidal, Spotify all use streaming protocols ...

@balooo2 mesh is NOT daisy chaining... Here is a better explanation, please see "Star topology versus daisy-chain topology":

The two really are fundamentally different. OTOH if you're comfortable with your simplification, though inaccurate, far be it from me to convince you otherwise. After 40+ years as a software professional, I've learned when to stop arguing.

Happy listening.

@musicfan2349 I did not disagree with you nor your explaination I stated you are 100% correct and clearly stated. "You are 100% correct in the deeper clarification but most are not that curious. Daisy chain is something most can understand and your breakdown is technically correct. But I’ll stick with Daisy chain when explaining our Mesh Ai systems :) No aurgument here you are on point. I am not a 40 year software veteran and I learned a long time ago KISS.

All the best!