How do you disable volume control on MSB Discrete DAC

MSB  discrete DAC manual is very sparse. Trying to disable Volume control since I am using external preamp as recommended by MSB. I am pressing menu button find volume then turn Volume control knob past 106 and nothing happens just stays at 106 no other options on display. Please help


MSB Customer Support suggested the following settings for my MSB Premier DAC:

1) DAC to Integrated Amp (using a pre-amp)

DAC Output level = high

DAC volume = 96-98

COMMENTS: I switched the DAC Volume back and forth between 96 and 98. I do not notice a sound difference but decided to keep the DAC volume control at 98.

2) DAC to power amplifier (Direct to power amplifier):

DAC Output level = low

DAC volume = Start at 0, increase as needed.

I hope this helps. If you have more questions, please contact MSB Customer Support.



It’s in the Menu section. From the manual:


(Startup volume)
 0 - 100 (Default 70)
• The startup volume can be adjusted from 0 - 100 or disabled
• In this mode, the volume control is disabled
Note: If you choose to use the DAC with an external preamp, we recommend turning the volume control off. To do this, turn the knob past 100 to “off”


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