Tweekrman, several things...
it is Petri Sakari/Iceland, Panula is only conducting a Finnish orchestra on one of the smaller works in the set.
I was a principal string player in these recordings at the time. (this was about 5-6 yrs ago)
I don't think much about most critics today. So that is a moot point. I say trust your ears and heart, if it floats your boat, that that's all that matters.
I'm glad you like these recordings, they have "something".
Have you heard Beecham's Sibelius? That is a nice performance. Its true what you say about the qualities of the orchestra and recording... I guess what I miss is a cultivation, a refinement.... which I guess is kind of the opposite of nordic spirit that we are talking about, the primal sort. Oh well, I guess you can't have everything always. But that said, those strengths are also their downfall.
it is Petri Sakari/Iceland, Panula is only conducting a Finnish orchestra on one of the smaller works in the set.
I was a principal string player in these recordings at the time. (this was about 5-6 yrs ago)
I don't think much about most critics today. So that is a moot point. I say trust your ears and heart, if it floats your boat, that that's all that matters.
I'm glad you like these recordings, they have "something".
Have you heard Beecham's Sibelius? That is a nice performance. Its true what you say about the qualities of the orchestra and recording... I guess what I miss is a cultivation, a refinement.... which I guess is kind of the opposite of nordic spirit that we are talking about, the primal sort. Oh well, I guess you can't have everything always. But that said, those strengths are also their downfall.