A little while back, Al suggested substituting another term, such as ‘accuracy,’ for the term ‘neutrality.’ More recently, Cbw mentioned that, when reading my posts, he tends to substitute the term ‘distortion’ for ‘coloration.’ And Learsfool has argued in many different ways that ‘coloration’ is a subjective category.
I believe that these three points of view are related, in that they all identify the same shortcoming in my definition of coloration, namely: It makes ‘coloration’ too OBJECTIVE a category. Here is the definition of ‘coloration’ I have been working with:
COLORATION: Additions, subtraction, and alterations to the playback chain that conceal or corrupt information about the music.
I think Al was correct in his view that the above definition is close to a definition of ‘inaccuracy.’ I think Cbw was also correct in his view that the above definition is close to a definition of 'distortion.' And I think Learsfool was correct in his view that the above definition is not subjective enough.
For these reasons, I would like to propose four things:
(1) Following Al’s advice, we make my former definition of ‘coloration’ the new working definition of ‘inaccuracy.’
INNACCURACY: Alterations to the playback chain that eliminate, conceal, or corrupt information about the music.*
*There are two other slight changes to this definition. I have changed “additions, subtractions, and alterations” to simply “alterations,” since all additions and subtractions are necessarily alterations. I have also included “eliminate” with “conceal and corrupt,” since the former seems to be just as much a possible type of inaccuracy as the latter.
(2) In the spirit of Cbw’s substitution, we identify distortion as one of the determinants of inaccuracy:
DETERMINANTS OF INACCURACY: Various kinds of distortion, loss, and noise, such as jitter, crosstalk, intermodulation distortion, speaker cabinet resonance, phase shifts, room modes, comb filtering, flutter echo, etc.
(3) Acknowledging Learsfool’s objections, we make the definition of ‘coloration’ more subjective:
COLORATION: Inaccuracies audible as a non-random** sonic signature.
This new definition entails that COLORATION IS A TYPE OF INACCURACY, the type that results in an audible, non-random sonic signature. It is consistent with the existence of other types of inaccuracies that do not result in an audible, non-random sonic signature.
This new definition also makes the term ‘coloration’ somewhat more SUBJECTIVE, since it includes FACTS ABOUT THE SUBJECT, by employing the concept of ‘audibility' (more on this below).
**I almost said “constant” sonic signature, rather than “non-random,” until I read Cbw’s recent post where he reminded me that many colorations vary with frequency, and so are not, strictly speaking, "constant." So it is more precise to say that colorations are non-random, or what Cbw calls, “predictable, in that their affect on a signal may be known.”
(4) The definition of 'neutrality' stays the same, namely, the degree of absence of coloration.
There are two advantages to the proposals expressed in (1)-(4). The first is that these definitions more closely reflect audiophile usage. This is evidenced by Stereophile’s audiophile dictionary. It is by no means definitive, but it is a relevant data point concerning usage:
You can see these definitions at the following link:
The second advantage of these new proposals is that they bring the conflicting views of the Objectivist and the Subjectivist one step closer together. It is only a step, though, since the new definition of ‘coloration’ I am proposing is only subjective in the sense that it includes facts about the subject, facts that, I believe, are themselves largely OBJECTIVE. So this is not a retreat from Objectivism, so much as it is an acknowledgement that understanding coloration and neutrality is partly a matter of understanding HOW INACCURACIES ARE PERCEIVED.
I believe that these three points of view are related, in that they all identify the same shortcoming in my definition of coloration, namely: It makes ‘coloration’ too OBJECTIVE a category. Here is the definition of ‘coloration’ I have been working with:
COLORATION: Additions, subtraction, and alterations to the playback chain that conceal or corrupt information about the music.
I think Al was correct in his view that the above definition is close to a definition of ‘inaccuracy.’ I think Cbw was also correct in his view that the above definition is close to a definition of 'distortion.' And I think Learsfool was correct in his view that the above definition is not subjective enough.
For these reasons, I would like to propose four things:
(1) Following Al’s advice, we make my former definition of ‘coloration’ the new working definition of ‘inaccuracy.’
INNACCURACY: Alterations to the playback chain that eliminate, conceal, or corrupt information about the music.*
*There are two other slight changes to this definition. I have changed “additions, subtractions, and alterations” to simply “alterations,” since all additions and subtractions are necessarily alterations. I have also included “eliminate” with “conceal and corrupt,” since the former seems to be just as much a possible type of inaccuracy as the latter.
(2) In the spirit of Cbw’s substitution, we identify distortion as one of the determinants of inaccuracy:
DETERMINANTS OF INACCURACY: Various kinds of distortion, loss, and noise, such as jitter, crosstalk, intermodulation distortion, speaker cabinet resonance, phase shifts, room modes, comb filtering, flutter echo, etc.
(3) Acknowledging Learsfool’s objections, we make the definition of ‘coloration’ more subjective:
COLORATION: Inaccuracies audible as a non-random** sonic signature.
This new definition entails that COLORATION IS A TYPE OF INACCURACY, the type that results in an audible, non-random sonic signature. It is consistent with the existence of other types of inaccuracies that do not result in an audible, non-random sonic signature.
This new definition also makes the term ‘coloration’ somewhat more SUBJECTIVE, since it includes FACTS ABOUT THE SUBJECT, by employing the concept of ‘audibility' (more on this below).
**I almost said “constant” sonic signature, rather than “non-random,” until I read Cbw’s recent post where he reminded me that many colorations vary with frequency, and so are not, strictly speaking, "constant." So it is more precise to say that colorations are non-random, or what Cbw calls, “predictable, in that their affect on a signal may be known.”
(4) The definition of 'neutrality' stays the same, namely, the degree of absence of coloration.
There are two advantages to the proposals expressed in (1)-(4). The first is that these definitions more closely reflect audiophile usage. This is evidenced by Stereophile’s audiophile dictionary. It is by no means definitive, but it is a relevant data point concerning usage:
Accuracy: The degree to which the output signal from a component or system is perceived as replicating the sonic qualities of its input signal. An accurate device reproduces what is on the recording, which may or may not be an accurate representation of the original sound.
Neutral: Free from coloration.
Coloration: An audible "signature" with which a reproducing system imbues all signals passing through it.
You can see these definitions at the following link:
The second advantage of these new proposals is that they bring the conflicting views of the Objectivist and the Subjectivist one step closer together. It is only a step, though, since the new definition of ‘coloration’ I am proposing is only subjective in the sense that it includes facts about the subject, facts that, I believe, are themselves largely OBJECTIVE. So this is not a retreat from Objectivism, so much as it is an acknowledgement that understanding coloration and neutrality is partly a matter of understanding HOW INACCURACIES ARE PERCEIVED.