How do you know when a stereo sounds good?

When do you know your system is pleasing to listen to? How do you conclusively prove to yourself that your system sounds good to you? How do you determine that you enjoy listening to music through your stereo? Do you have a suite of measurements that removes all shadow of a doubt that you are getting good sound, sound that you enjoy? Please share.


So you're the one.  Move to the right.  The left lane is for passing not camping lost in the music. 

In what country? Here in America the left lane is for drones. The middle lane is for trucks. The right lane is for getting on and off. So what we do here, get on and swerve through the trucks to drive slow in the left lane. Then swerve through the trucks again to exit. We used to have signs posted Keep Right Except To Pass but no one did that and so being nice Americans we caved to the lowest common denominator.

@mahgister ,


My home system is fantastic, I am comfortable, and drive a nice car, but you can get a great system in a family sedan as an upgrade these days.

It was purely a comment about state of mind. When I am in the car, it is just me, the other cars, and my music. There is no computer drawing me to do some extra work to keep the company going, no treadmill telling me my butt should be smaller, nothing that needs to be cleaned or washed, no food to make, and I rarely make or answer calls in my car. It's my "safe space" :-)

For sure you are right...

I lack experience in car audio system installation... 😁😂😊

My home system is fantastic, I am comfortable, and drive a nice car, but you can get a great system in a family sedan as an upgrade these days.

It was purely a comment about state of mind. When I am in the car, it is just me, the other cars, and my music. There is no computer drawing me to do some extra work to keep the company going, no treadmill telling me my butt should be smaller, nothing that needs to be cleaned or washed, no food to make, and I rarely make or answer calls in my car. It's my "safe space" :-)

How can I tell if my system sounds good?

1. Ask my spouse if the system could use some tweaking

2. Close your eyes, Lean forward in your chair. Take a listen

3. Listen carefully to the sound made  while it

   hits the pavement from two stories up.

4. Gather some blind people to your listening room

    and perform a listening test. 

5. Consult the 8 Ball!


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