The 2 last posts message above me are very important....Thanks orgillian97 and ejr1953
I cannot imagine listening over 80 Db regularly.....80 Db is my usual maximum....The line between NO and Yes...Most of my listening is under it....ESPECIALLY in near listening....In regular listening position sometimes for minutes i venture around or slightly over "for minutes"....
This is my anchor 80 Db....Over it, it is tempest in my head/ears/body...No more music....Under 80 Db, i navigate ALL the music in spirit form ; over it, it is gradually SOME sound that pilot my body no more my spirit...
I will repeat the gist of my point, if your system cant give you all acoustic factors rightfully under 80Db your audio setting system and controls in the working mechanical electrical and acoustical embeddings are wrong or at least lacking....This is one of the surprizing test you could make in audio....Listening at high level is compensation or intoxication, not so much music....
«Sounds could be a rainbow rain or a fist punch, in the 2 cases we perceive colors»-Groucho Marx 🤓