How do you organize your LPs?

So I've accumulated upwards of 3,000 records and storage is getting out of hand. I currently have a built-in that holds about 150 of my most listened to. I have 12 Sleeve City boxes that hold 60 each. The rest (a majority) are in other boxes, cabinets, book shelves, etc.
I am planning some cabinetry that will hold ALL my records with room for additional. My question is how do you arrange them? Alphabetical? Genre or some hybrid. I can't continue to look through 500 records to find the one I am looking for.
I still haven't decided how but I did find this
It seems like a good system for building a database the only problem is it's going to take forever.

I think I am going to divide by genre for starters but I can't decide on chronological or alphabetical from there.
08-01-13: Onhwy61
Whatever works for you is good, but a sign of a rational filing system is whether a third party can find a record and/or put away a record without opening the field manual.
Makes perfect sense and funny.
I have used three to four groupings. Rock, Jazz, Classical, Country/folk. I then sort alphabetical and then chronological.
I have major categories of classical, pop/rock, jazz, country, and comedy/novelty. The classical section is organized by music periods in chronological order--Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionist, and 20th century. I also have a separate section for operas and cantatas. Each music period is alphabetized by composer, e.g. Bach, Handel, Telemann, Vivaldi. Compilations and some music genres are put at the end of the classical block--Baroque collections, classical guitar, etc. Pop/rock, jazz, country, and comedy are each alphabetized by artist, e.g., Beach Boys, Beatles, Carpenters, Ray Charles, etc.

I have them stored vertically in three Ikea cases subdivided into 13" open cubes.