How does Aragon 24k/2004 stack up to modern equip?

I just picked up an Aragon 24k preamp/Aragon 2004 amp for a good price. I put them in my system where my Cambridge Audio Azur 840a resided and I must say I am VERY impressed. These are my first separates that I've owned, the speakers are JM Lab Cobalt 807's, speaker cables are Monster M1 mkII, and mains power cable is Straightwire Blue Thunder. Interconnects are MIT MI-330 series II. Like I said I love the sound, just wondering how these components stack up, and if anyone has cabling suggestions?
I recently picked up an Aragon 2004. It replaced a Harman Kardon PA5800 that I was using. It was kind of funny because one of the tracks on a Sade CD that I like turned out to have falling rain in the background. I had never heard it before. I'd have to say that the amp made a difference in my system.

I got the amp off of ebay and it turned out that it has some problems. Rather than sending it back, I've chosen to take it to a shop to be repaired. I think I'm going to hang on to this amp for a while.

I know that there is better out there, but my ears haven't heard it yet and ignorance, as they say, is bliss.
Hi all ! Roscoeiii...... it was paired with a melos sha-1 pre , carver 390t tube cd player and KEF speakers , I think they were the 102.4's or 103.2's ....just dont remember , they were about $2200 retail in the '90 s . Thought the melos would help tame down the grainy mids but all it did was make the sound darker overall . Putting a smaller rotel amp in the system was much better .I could never make that amp sound like i wanted it too . Some guys have great luck with this amp tho .
I owned an Aragon amp (2004 i think) and pre amp (18k i think) with out board power supply. It was a good combo with my Apogee speakers.
Man I wish I had a pair of Palladiums right about now. But I can see a Pass 300 sounding better for a price. The 24k meh, pretty easy to better.
Well, one could spend alot of money on audio gear. This gear can possibly float the airest highs, have a full midrange to die for and deliver tight and tuneful bass, in alot of cases it will, the law of diminishing returns do apply. There are instances a system of this magnitude has had the musicality engineered right out of it, presenting a sterile sound. I have been on both sides of the fence. The Aragon 2004 & 4004 properly set up & matched with other components can deliver a satisfying presentation capturing most of the elements that audiophiles seek. I think if we could set aside the adjectives that describe a superior system for a moment and ask yourself this question, was the presentation enjoyable and satisifying? I rest my case.