How does Berning ZH270 compare to Cary Cad211 AE ?

My system consists of Merlin VSM-MX, Cary cad 211 AE, Velodyne DD12, Aesthetix Calypso, Rega P9 with Konrapunkt C, ASR Riaa and all Valhalla cabling. I’m also experimenting with some DAC/PC stuff.

I wonder if the Berning is up to or par with Cad211AE. I’m very sensitive to hum and noise. Is the ZH270 noisier?

I have just ordered a ZH270 for test from Denmark, this because of no imports to Norway.
What might lend greater insight to this discussion is musical preferences. For midrangy acoustical, female vocal music which seems to be the darling of audiophiles and most of the show demos I've been to, SET's and low powered tube amps would be a great choice. But what if one is attempting to recreate large scale vocal, orchestral and piano music with its fast dynamic swings? Isn't this a main criteria of "musicality"?

I've heard what the Berning is capable of at Montreal last year driving Verity Parsifals and I must say as far as musical realism and natural dynamics is concerned, it was quite remarkable. Nothing at the show touched it to my ears. The Verity folks had 2 other rooms with their Ovation and Sarastro models and were stunned as well. I think it had a LOT to do with everything in that system, least being Allan Bhagan's remarkable protype Berning amp and pre-amp. To my ears I haven't heard better and only a few as memorable. The rest of the system consisted of Stillpoint stands, cones and all Stereovox cabling and the Audio Aero Capitol Mk2

The range of music was full orchestral to organ recordings to vocals which displayed the type of dynamic shadings one might hear in a live performance. Tonality and timbre reproduction were 2nd to none. There was no gravy, all music sounded as you would expect a performance would without anything additive. But these are my preferences to give guidance to where I'm coming from. SET's and low powered tube amps are great for certain types of music, or do we eventually end up listening to the type of music that accomodates the addictive sound we hear with these amps?

The Berning is indeed like a microscope but it seems a bit over the top to say it isn't musical if musical is to mean the same as musical realism. My guess is that there are probably other issues with the system, at least that is my experience. I have owned the amp for 4 years and have compared it head to head with many amps out with the Joule being the only real temptation with Merlin speakers. There are more than a few that could own any amp they want and own the Berning out of choice not pricepoint.

This hobby is for sure a matter of taste.
Thanks for the heads-up on the Dodd 120s. Their website is pretty thin though... any reviews out there online?? Are the 120s class A? Low feedback?

Have you tried their pre-amp?

I'll email the designer also, but am hoping for more impressions from you. TIA!
Your English is fine sir.Thats a good explanation,one I can easily understand.Thanks alot for your time and energy,Bob
Regarding cable match:
I have tested AU24 and Cardas Golden Ref. in my system. I think they are "greysounding" compared to Valhalla. Valhalla is far more "tactile", speedy and resolving. I wonder why so many using the two first mentioned cables still after testing Valhalla. I will describe Valhalla as a neutral cable, but very resolving. They don’t hide anything.

I will definitely not let a cable change cause loss of detail richness and openness, but I wish that the sound could be little more “forgiving” all over. I would like to keep all the existing positive sides with some “forgiveness” touch. May this be difficult to obtain?

Maybe ZH270 together with MX will change my cable opinion. Any comments?

I can’t either understand why so many describe my Cary 211 AE amp as “to organic” and not extreme enough in the top and bottom ends. The fact is that the 211 AE drawing a big sound stage, and is very open and resolving and not closed in any term. The bass is tight and it is the best I have had so far. I have had many tube amps, and I will not describe the 211AE as too “organic”. I will rather use “lucid” as the description.

You guys on Audiogon have been very helpful and understanding. Thanks again… :-)

You're exactly right. When I had a large listening room (16 years ago) I used larger speakers being bi-amped with tubes an d could get big dynamic swings. But since being in my small room (11 x 13.5 x 8) I have taken to a different type of listening. I still play symphonies and big band jazz (and rock) but just not anywhere as loud as it tends to really overload the room. I've learned to appreciated medium level reproduction of "big pieces".

By the way, I don't listen to many female vocals. You know, this reminds me of something I read in Automobile magazine about 10 or more years ago. The editor said that a small sports car (like the Mazda Miata) driven at its limits can be as much fun as a larger sports sedan like the BMW 5 series. "It's not how fast the car goes, it's how it goes fast." Besides small good handling cars feel like they're going faster. Just check out the Mazda RX8.