How does Berning ZH270 compare to Cary Cad211 AE ?

My system consists of Merlin VSM-MX, Cary cad 211 AE, Velodyne DD12, Aesthetix Calypso, Rega P9 with Konrapunkt C, ASR Riaa and all Valhalla cabling. I’m also experimenting with some DAC/PC stuff.

I wonder if the Berning is up to or par with Cad211AE. I’m very sensitive to hum and noise. Is the ZH270 noisier?

I have just ordered a ZH270 for test from Denmark, this because of no imports to Norway.
"Maybe ZH270 together with MX will change my cable opinion. Any comments?"

My guess from my 6 years experience with the VSM is that the Berning will not offer more forgiveness which is what you are looking for Nr9. To the contrary I think it will reveal the imbalance of the silver cables with the VSM to a greater degree than the Cary. It is an extremely transparent amplifier. As stated in an above post, I have experimented with numerous silver cables and the problem is the upper frequencies become overemphasized and render a leaness to the presentation. The Merlins are, as well, so resolving that this can become a real issue, especially if you are very sensitive to it. The only silver cable in my experience, and its not pure silver, is the Stereovox which doesnt' do this. It offers body, transparency and control with high frequency extension and air without any undo emphasis. I really love the organic wholeness and balance that this cable presents. I have listened to other silver cables which subjectively offer greater bass impact.

I agree, copper cables certainly don't offer the transparency of silver but many do work with Merlins better, at least to my ears. Silver cables I have tried include the following

Blue Marble - ics and speaker
Harmonic Tech Silway -ics
Nordost Vahalla - ics
Stealth Beta - ic's(these were definitely the most transparent of the bunch and conversely the most amusical with the VSM. They were unlistenable after 5 minutes. I had 3 pair on hand. Each added pair made the sound worse)
a few others over the years but the results were the same.

Before you do anything, you might want to listen first with the different feedback settings per Musicpre's suggestion but I am fairly certain you will come to the conclusion that Vahallas and Merlins most likely won't like each other and neither of the amps will have much say about it. I don't know anyone using this combo.

It the problem continues and you want to maintain the transparency of the Vahallas, I would STRONGLY suggest trying Stereovox, especially the 600 sei mk2's and you might want to try their reference speaker cable which I
haven't tried in my system, I'm afraid I'll like it too much and be compelled to buy. I am using the Studio which is a copper cable. The price has come down from the strastophere on these cables to more realistic levels. I wonder what my wife would say about that comment? ;^)

Good Luck and keep us posted on your results
Nice description with the cars, Tomryan.

Today I’m using Valhalla all over. I now understand that these cables will not make good synergy with ZH and MX because of these components high resolving nature. I can image how wrong this combination will go.

So, if you should choose a musical, open, airy and LISTENING FRIENDLY cable with enough weight, what was your first choice then?
I hear ya Tom. So where is that car for everyman? You gotta have at least 2.

Nr9 -you got my choice. As Allan Bhagan told me before listening the first time, it's like crack, it you don't plan on getting hooked don't try it. It worked out that way for me. So far as bass weight, that is more of an issue with speaker cables than ic's and I'm still with copper for now. I heard the Stereovox reference speaker cables once at Montreal last year and there was absolutely no issue with the bass in that system.

I think the issue isn't the highly resolving nature of the products in question as much as the Esotar tweeter in the implementation Bobby has it. I'm sure the Vahallas may work quite well with other higly resolving speakers just not Merlins.
Stereovox is not sold in Norway. How does Kimber cables compare? Is Audience Au24 or Cardas GC a better choice than Kimber?
Cardas GR is a much better choice w/this gear than Kimber. Kimber is more appropriate w/gear that is lacking in transparency. Cardas is much more relaxed, w/o losing details. Au24 is good too, but not quite as natural sounding IMHO. FWIW, I sold my au24 to move up to Cardas GR. Other Cardas models aren't recommended here. There are many comments on these cables w/Merlin & Berning in the archives. Cheers,