Cornfedboy: Such cynicism about those fine professionals who bring us high-end cables. Can you prove that the epoxy resin they use doesn't improve the sound?
How does MIT vary the impedance of their cables?
I have a pair of MIT 330's that are "medium" (47~100ohms) and I need "low" (10~47ohms).
I was wondering how MIT alters the impedance in their different versions? I'm guessing that it's with the use of a resistor in the network box? I thought that if I could open the box and jumper the resistor... Any opinions?
I have a pair of MIT 330's that are "medium" (47~100ohms) and I need "low" (10~47ohms).
I was wondering how MIT alters the impedance in their different versions? I'm guessing that it's with the use of a resistor in the network box? I thought that if I could open the box and jumper the resistor... Any opinions?