How far away from your speakers are you?

I thought it would be interesting to know how people position their speakers... do you have the freedom to put them where you want or do practicalities dictate?.. How far away are they from the listening position?.. How big's the room and how far away are they from boundary walls? My main speakers (Seas A26) are 1' from back wall, 3' from sides in a 14' by 20' room and my listening position is  about 16' from the speakers. Just wondering how much floor space we're willing to give up to get the optimum placement.
Room and WAF dominant factors.  Cat plays a roll too.  Room 17x12x9.  Speakers ~ 14.5 ft from ears, 2 ft from side walls, 1.5 ft from front wall, 7 ft apart.  Room is  partially open on side walls, eliminating much of 1st reflection point to the side.  Nothing I can do about ceiling and floor reflections, as the cat pisses on any rug placed in the room.  Shockingly, it sounds pretty good.  Voices dead solid in the center, stage width wider than speakers.

When the shock of last few purchases stops reverberating on the WAF, and I can again spend to influence the sound, some white GIK panels will go on ceiling at FRP.  And some GIK art - Euro vacation pic - will go behind me on back wall, so I don't always have to use the couch to limit those reflections.  That will get my ears back up toward tweeter level, which is unfortunately immobile.

Not that I dislike lounging on the couch with a sound-enhancing bit of Kentucky's finest.  Also, don't mind bending to the WAF - she's more stunning than any stereo image could ever be, and brings my refreshments to the couch.  For a few years I used Bose cubes to make her happy - man hath no greater love, almost!
Perks of being single:

Speakers are 4 feet from front wall.
Never ask to listen to music.
Play whatever I want at whatever volume I want.
Never ask to buy any equipment.
Never have to lie or schedule deliveries of new equipment.
No one ever nagging me about audio or anything else for that matter.
Never worry about someone taking my system or needing to sell my system for extra cash when the divorce happens.

Devilboy, good for you, and happy listening.  I will add, without hesitation, never get a $%^ing cat!
I have been married 14 years and all that applies to me too.

Except for that last one, and I hope I never have to test that one........
