How far is your SUT from your Phono Pre/Preamp?

Had to go back to the internal SUT in my phono pre today because it needs to be at least 3 feet away from the preamp or phono pre to prevent hum. Is this normal? I don't really have the 3 feet available.


Cable from SUT to phono stage should be kept short (less than 1 ft) to avoid capacitive loading/hi frequency roll off. Ground wire from SUT to phono.

Dear @dhcod  : The orientation/position of the cables ( an even of the SUT it self. You can rotate it for example.  ) running is something to try. Sometimes running the cables in a " weird " position makes the hum disappears. You can try with the cables you are using and that " makes " hum.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


All good advice here.

In addition to Raul's comments you might also try a different orientation of the SUT.

You don’t happen to have the SUT plugged into a different electrical outlet?