How good do SACD players play normal CDS

How good is the normal CD playback on a Sony SACD unit? I'm considering aroudn $3000 for a normal cd player such as a Wadia 830 or Classe CDP-1 or Meridian 508.24 Does the cd playback on a SACD come close to this level of regular cd players?

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Who is to say that SACD will win out over DVD-A? Beta was ahead of VHS for a few years. I have no preference as to what wins, at this point. I just want the whole thing resolved, so I can take the next step. I have(stupidly, in retrospect) held off upgrading my CD player for the past few years to wait for the result of this format war. I'd sure hate to buy a good(and I won't buy unless it is) SACD player, and be stuck when the industry moves in a different direction.