How important is speaker positioning?My experience

CAL Icon Mk II -> Sonic Frontiers SFL1 -> Classe 15 -> Thiel 1.2.

I have had this system for 8 years now, the only new
components being Classe 15 (2.5 yrs now), and cabling
(MIT IC's, speaker cable from Frank at

Every change improved the sound somewhat, but I could never
listen to the system for a long time -- always ended up with
listener fatigue on any CDs that could even remotely
sound like that (fortunately, I listen a lot to Indian
vocal classical music where that is not so much an issue). I have moved several times, and the present room is
17'6" x 13'8". I painstakingly adjusted the
speakers about 3' from the side wall, and 3'6" from the
front wall, along the short wall. The soundstage snapped
into focus, and things sounded better, but the same problem
-- listener fatigue came very quick.

Then last week, I was looking at the Audio Physic website
(, and came across
their theory on speaker placement. To my surprise, there
was more to it than just place the speakers in the middle
of the room, and sit with back against the wall (ludicrous,
in my opinion). I will not go into
details (you can get them from the website if you are not
already aware of them), but I ended up placing the speakers
about 3'6" from sides and 4' from the front wall, and I
listen from my futon placed against the back wall (where it
always has been).

Well, I have been thinking of buying new speakers, but I am
in no rush now. The system is actually laid back now with
NO listener fatigue. I played music almost continuously for
4-5 hours today -- music other than Indian classical, and
cannot wait to get back to listening again as soon as I am
done typing this rather rambling post. I just wanted to
share my experience because I am elated. Just tells you how
important speaker positioning is. And I realized that to
an extent I needed hand holding through the placement. This
is the first document I have come across that does that.

Thanks for listening.

(Amit Mathur)
Proper speaker placement...regardless of cables,electronics, the one free tweak most people ignore...and the one that will automatically guarantee sound improvment..and I posted a thread about dealer speaker placment just a short time ago...unfortunately...the majority of dealers focus on sales over sound...afterall...there only is so much floor space...but this really is a disservice...most people looking to upgrade...when they hear pricey equipment set up poorly...pass...whats the point if it doesnt surpass their current set up?...and people who do buy...usually emualate how the speakers were positioned at the order to remedy the all starts with the dealers...proper speaker placement education...hi-end dealers are just as guilty as Best Buy in this regard...
Just a quick note...

Often a positioning fix for excessive brightness can be toeing the speakers in or out so they are further off-axis from the listener. Tweeters pointing directly at the ears can often sound too "hot". Toe in will affect imaging characteristics, and proper compromises should be made.

Jeff Delman
Value Audio the point that properly placed cheap speakers can outperform more expencive non-properly placed.
Speaker placement can make or break a system in some rooms and that goes for two channel as well as hometheater. Once in a while you get people who buy the wrong speakers for their room or just did not take into account the W.F. so its also a good idea to give a whole lot of thought as to what speakers fit your room even before you buy. I had a system that sounded so good I could listen to it for days on end, well I sold the house and bought a new one and no amount of trying and tweaking could bring back that magic I had in the old room. I think a lot of good gear,not just speakers get a bad rap from people because its the wrong system in the wrong room.