It is extremely important to acquire a speaker that has a good synergy with the amp that powers it.
Tube gear is likely to be noisier than ss gear
@daveyf agreed. However, one can get the speaker first then get the matching amp subsequently - this has been my current strategy.
I have 2 speaker types.
Efficiency doesn’t matter - I purchased a full range herculean braced full range medium sensitivity speaker from a AXPONA demo that "resonated" with me. For this audio chain, I’m interested in transparency and dropping the noise floor. I use highly regarded SS electronics
Efficiency matters - I wanted a "neutral", affordable, reasonable sized, speaker that can handle flea watt amps and other low powered tube amps. Purchased a 100db speaker specifically to explore tube amps including flea watt. I didn’t think much about synergy as I plan to experiment hearing different tube amps starting with the 300B, and the manufacturer confirmed I can also try a 45 tube amp.
Good luck with your speaker search