How is the Speakon connector wired for REL sub?

Recently purchased a used REL T2 sub that came without the Speakon cable. I just got the Speakon connector from Parts Express but am not sure where each wire is attached on the connector. Anybody familiar with the wiring configuration on these cables? Which pin gets left, right and ground? Thanks.
The Neutrik Speakon plug pin configuration is as follows:-

The pins in the Neutrik Speakon plug are numbered 1+, 2+, 1- and 2-

1+ connects to the right hand speaker red terminal at rear of amplifier or speaker

2+ connects to the left hand speaker red terminal at rear of amplifier or speaker

1- or 2- connects to either right or left speaker black terminal at rear of amplifier or speaker
Tim, according to several references that I found the speaker-level outputs of your Primare A30.1 are balanced, meaning that both the + and - output terminals have signals on them (as opposed to the - terminal being connected to ground in the amplifier).

Therefore you absolutely should not connect 1- or 2- to either of the - output terminals on the amp. If you were to do so you would risk shorting the signal on the - output terminal of the amp to ground, thereby damaging the amp (at worst), or triggering its self-protective shutdown mechanisms or blowing a fuse (at best).

The problem would occur if the amp and the sub both have 3-prong power plugs, and both components have ac safety ground and circuit ground connected together (as is commonly the case). In that situation a path would exist from the amp's - output terminal through the sub's internal ground to ac safety ground, then through the ac safety ground wiring back to the amp's internal circuit ground, resulting essentially in a dead short between the amp's - output terminal and amp ground.

What you should do is to connect sub - to the ground terminal on the back of the amp, or alternatively to a screw on the chassis.

-- Al
Al, I was just getting ready to wire it up and thought I'd check here first. Whew, glad I did. I was a little concerned as the amp is dual mono configuration.
Can I check the amp's negative terminals for continuity to ground with a meter? Or check for continuity between the negative terminals? Thanks.
I looked at the back of the amp and there is a large ground lug, actually looks exactly like the speaker binding posts except it's not gold. There is no continuity between the ground and the speaker terminals. Also, no continuity between the speaker terminals.
Thanks so much for posting Al.