How is your power bill?

Recently I moved my equipment to our vacation home south of the border. On average the power bill ran about $12 per month. After setting up the three Krell Amps (fpb 350s and a KSA 150) to drive the Maggie 20.1s, etc. and, in addition to listening to music, starting watching nightly action movies through the system as well. The new power bill was almost $70.00!!

Thoughts? Your experience with this?
I think here in Southern Ca. the DWP rates have gone up/ as well as including other things-- such as City; large item pick-up and the like.
I would surmise the X6 increase might also have some hidden charges and or rate increase--(for the original poster)
As I heard on tv; we are still paying for some of that Enron debacle.
While enjoying a Chatsworth summer;anything that adds to the summer ambiance is not desirable. I have changed from near 60 tubes to a ss stereo amp and a one box/2 tube pre/ cd player.-------And I still pay more than what that set-up used to cost,to run.
Also, I stay away from mono blocks that require dedicated 30 amp. circuits;ea.
Garebear- glad that you agree.

I am sure that you took my rant as defensive of Bush rather that indictment of the hype surrounding our current cardboard-cutout-in-chief.

So if Mr.Obama doubles the problems left by the Bush regime in his misguided flailing about I suppose it will still be Bush's fault?
GHS - Thanks for that tip, it may well be worth trying! I will also, as some of you have mentioned, turn the amps totally off vs.a standby mode and avoid the action movies. I think the movies may be the main culprit in driving up the power bill. It's comforting to know, in a perverse sort of way, that I am not the only one that has done this to myself!

Not in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that a simple request for feedback on audio equipment power consumption would generate such well thought out, insightful, running commentary on our country's current political climate and my choices in life. Wow, I'm really counting my blessings!

For those that thought that purchasing my Krell fpb 350's was inappropriate - You were right! I should have bought the 750's!
Entrope, your display of ignorance on world economy, the placement of blame, and the defense of the Bush administration is pure political bullshit. This economic downturn, spiraling to god know's where; cannot be blamed on any one person, administration or event. Regardless, of who sits in the Oval Office, or any other elected or non-elected office (Rush Blimpo), the state of the economy would have and will follow a corresponding trajectory. Open the newspaper. Look at the banks worldwide. Watch the unemployment rate. Observe the effect upon governments and public confidence.

To add commentary on "when the clock actually starts on the Obama presidency", is akin to asking at what point the heart surgeon finds him/herself responsible for the smoking, over-weight patient.

Noone knows; not economic experts, not the most successful business leaders, certainly not politicians, and definitely not entertainers and talk show hosts( Bill Maher); what caused this quagmire or what is the most effective way out. The future (attack on the twin towers, Katrina, housing bubble, etc. etc. etc.) cannot be foreseen. Those in power do what they and their staff believe is best.

The economy and world of finances is dictated by such a vast array of inextricable determinants, that making allusion to Obama and the present economy is rife with ignorance and political bias. Why not blame Henry Ford or an Amazonian hatcheting a piece of the forest for today's global weather changes...if they actually exist.

I have no objection to theorists offering thought provoking intimation, but save the you-against-us mentality. This is is ain't going away. Follow this back, as you would any evolving progression. Maybe it was greed, or maybe it was savvy business practice. Maybe it was excessive borrowing, or maybe it was an incredible period of growth. People spend...people build...people are employed. You will be hard pressed to find a period of expansion without consumer involvement.

Drop the Rush bullshit and let's find a way to help those in need, as well as those who fuel the engines.
Siddh you have made my point better than I did.

I did not seek to defend the Bush administration so much as to point out exactly what you said:

"cannot be blamed on any one person, administration or event."

That is exactly what I was alluding to in pointing out the vilification of the previous adminstration(s) and deification of the current one which remains unproven to be good or bad.

I wish that more had your perspective in understanding that the current state of affairs was a "team" effort including both liberals and conservatives. Nobody wants to take the blame so by electoral acclaimation Bush gets it all. So many people find it cathartic to have a single point of blame because it saves them from thinking to much.

Even your mostly well said comments reflect your displeasure at the linking of Obama to a bad economy (true or not). And why a personal attack on Limbaugh rather than an intellectual one? He is only an entertainer not an elected anything. He is less relevant than he thinks he is -much like a pro-wrestler compared to pro boxers. One fakes it for reaction the other really gets hit.

"Bush-whacking" (pun-get it) in this case and Clinton bashing before it really serves no constructive purpose but as always in politics a place to lay blame is better than a move forward.

By the way - how are your electric bills?